#Thundercats movie movie
On March 29th, 2021 it was announced that Adam Wingard is set to direct a ThunderCats Movie for Warner Bros. A possible movie about ThunderCats was announced being directed by Adam Wingard, and written by Simon Barrett. Perhaps, if we are lucky, Wingard will be able to harness the current hype that surrounds animated fantasy material – nobody is insisting that everything needs to be live action any more following the Oscar-winning success of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – and return us to the version of Third Earth that lingers long in the memory. Not to be confused with the previously announced and later cancelled ThunderCats Live Action CGI film (2007-2011). Neither could match the intensely vibrant animation style and killer voice work of the original. A boldly rendered but slightly vapid 2011 reimagining was cancelled after one season, as was an attempt to remake the show as a zany, Teen Titans-style comedy last year. It was recently announced that Adam Wingard would be writing and directing a brand new ThunderCats reboot. This is all pretty vital stuff, as there have been attempts before to bring back ThunderCats on the small screen that have failed miserably. ThunderCats Movie: Casting Adam Wingards Reboot.

I don’t want to reinvent the way they look I want them to look like ThunderCats.” I want to do a ThunderCats film that takes you back to that 80s aesthetic. It’s got a rich mythology, the characters are fantastic, the colours. The upcoming movie will use the popular animated classic as a jumping off point, then Wingard will do his own. He continued: “I saw this as an opportunity to do a new type of fantasy sci-fi spectacle film that people have never seen before. The Thundercats movie is expected to by a hybrid of both live-action and CGI. “This is a huge passion thing for me,” Wingard told Deadline.” “Nobody on this planet knows or has thought as much about ThunderCats as I have. Perhaps the best news of all ( particularly given what happened to Cats) is that there will be no attempt to render Lion-O, Cheetara et al in live action: the film will instead blend traditional animation with CGI. This is important, because Godzilla vs Kong director Adam Wingard, who is taking on the project for Warner Bros, is promising to cleave as closely as possible to the original show.
#Thundercats movie series
Yes, there were some far-out moments – Tygra’s apparent psychedelic trip, Lion-O heading into deep space without oxygen – and the quality of the writing rather dropped off a cliff in later seasons, but there were few 80s animated series to match it.