Holding your performance reviews in a location other than your office is an ideal way to minimize distractions. There’s nothing wrong with using a conference room for a performance review, but sit next to the employee rather than 20 feet away and do what you can to put them at ease. If you would be intimidated, chances are your employee will be intimidated as well. The supervisor at the far end of a long table tells you to have a seat at the opposite end. You walk into a cavernous conference room. Imagine yourself in your employees’ shoes. Making the environment in which you hold your performance review as comfortable as possible goes a long way toward putting your employee at ease even before the meeting begins. 1) Make The Environment As Comfortable As Possible Whether you compose a written performance review, conduct a face-to-face evaluation, or do both, these 15 tips will help you inspire the best from your employees. 15 Tips For Conducting Performance Reviews Whatever system you settle on, make sure that the performance review is easy to read (if you go with a written form) and communicates the information clearly and concisely. Some businesses use an A, B, C, D, F grading system. How you choose to format and grade these components is up to you and the needs of your business.
Employees aren’t sure how to take the feedback and begin to worry about their jobs. Managers struggle to balance positive feedback with the need for improvement. Few tasks create anxiety among managers and employees like the performance review.